Good shoes for pregnant ladies!

Your poor pregnant feet! 

All of this extra weight us preggos are carrying means our poor feet are under a serious amount of pressure to do their job, to keep us upright and comfy, as well as not swelling too much or they add to our woes! 

I found I wore one pair of winter boots for the first couple of trimesters and the poor boots will now never be the same, not having shared the burden with many other shoes. I remember one evening my husband said 'Babe, your feet look really weird', cue running upstairs to assess the damage and he was right, the increased relaxin in my foot had made them spread and trying to get my feet in to my shoes went a little like this:

Once the weather got warmer I was getting bigger and I was struggling to do up any zips / laces on shoes and so I decided to splurge on some new shoes to see me through to the end.  

I should flag that I am not much of a shoe person, I LOVE handbags, but shoes I will pick up for a fiver when I see them and so I have boxes of shoes that are only worn every now and then end up at a charity shop 12 months down the line. 

I knew I wanted tan, leather flats but this was easier said than done and one uncomfortable and unsuccessful trip to St David's 2 later I bought 5 pairs online from Debenhams and waited for them to arrive. On a side note I didn't realise that if you buy shoes online from Debenhams that they will all arrive at different times and you will get a hundred emails about each dispatch! 

I digress... this was the pair Liam ended up buying me from Debenhams, they were £25 from Miss Selfridge and I feel they are smarter than flip slips and they are really comfy, the only negative is that when I take them off and look at the sole it looks really tatty and looked worn almost immediately, so I didn't have a new shoe buzz for long.

Moving on to a pair of shoes that I saw a while ago and only recent purchased are another pair of tan sandals that I bought from Next, this time £16 and available in lots of different colours. 

Last but not least, to complete the mum uniform I needed some bright coloured pumps / trainers and, having always been a Dunlop Greenflash girl over Converse, I picked up these pink ones for £14.99 from Sports Direct. I personally can't believe I bought them in pink but they really work with my predominantly blue wardrobe!! Just went to get the link for you guys - now only £7.49!!!!!

I think between these and my gumbies I should be good for the summer months, but here are a few more pairs that I spotted online that might be worth checking out:

£5.59 nautical espadrilles from H&M

£19.50 crossover wedges from Marks and Spencer 

Remember to choose footwear that is low heeled, comfortable and has good grip! 

If you find any bargains let me know! 


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